Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Palinization of Michele Bachmann

Well, it didn't take them long did it? The "lamestream" media have launched their attack on Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann not a week after her official announcement that she is running for president. The first and by my account, one of the worst was on Fox News Sunday when Chris Wallace asked her if she were a flake. Her response was measured and poised, a credit to her character that she didn't walk off the set. He later issued an apology via the web which she didn't accept but he also called her personally and she graciously accepted. But she also had to endure the condescending tone of the likes of George Stephanopolous and Matt Lauer. From her comments about the Battles of Lexington and Concord, mistakenly stating it occurred in New Hampshire instead Massachusetts to her stating that John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa she has been what some of have come to call "Palinized". That relentless nitpicking, slamming and downright viciousness that has dogged Sarah Palin for three years. To say that Bachmann isn't a serious candidate is quite frankly ludicrous. She has a law degree, has been a Federal Tax attorney and is in her third term of Congress. She is a conservatives conservative from the role of government and economic issues to her strong prolife stance. She scares people but not because of her gaffes, and the president has made similar ones which seem to be overlooked by the media, but because she is one of the few who speaks the truth about where we are in this country. She has been an outspoken critic of Obamacare and government intrusion into our lives, like the light bulb act. Now that she's officially a candidate she will have to do more showcasing her own ideas than criticism. We need solutions not finger pointing. I don't know if she's the right one to be President. I like her fire and she strikes a cord with people and is picking up in the polls. But I will keep sticking with my motto "ABO": Anyone but Obama.