Friday, June 18, 2010

These Boots Are Made For Shaking Down

"We will keep our boot on the throat of BP..."

Ken Salazar said it, Robert Gibbs echoed it from the podium in the briefing room. The Thug in Chief has now exerted his considerable power to make sure that BP lives up to its obligation to pay those who have been damaged by this horrific oil spill. I am not going to defend BP. It appears they were negligent and their response has certainly left much to be desired. But for the government to not only force them to do this (BP, I believe, was going to anyway) and then take the administration of the fund from BP and have an "independent" third party run it, is outrageous. BP should pay but that money does not need to be under government control. Is that really better than BP handling the funds? The overseer is none other than Ken Fineberg, the Pay Czar. How is this guy objective or independent? This whole thing has been a disaster, literally and metaphorically. Bobby Jindal can't get the resources he needs, Obama will not waive the Jones Act and rejected in writing help from the Dutch and the Brits. How arrogant and his speech the other night was nothing more than a veiled attempt to push climate change. Rahm Emmanuel is probably speaking into an ear piece "remember, man, don't let it go to waste". Instead of telling the world what we are going to do, Obama, yet again, blathered on with platitudes. He has to know he is in trouble, when James Carville, thrill up my leg Matthews and Maureen Dowd criticize him. But, unlike most presidents before him, Obama is as politically tone deaf as an out of tune piano. He is so blinded by ideology that it matters very little what this country truly needs or wants.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree that the government should not be involved in this, however since they don't care about what is going on in Arizona as a state of this country and are now filing a lawsuit against them, why would anyone think they are going to do anything to help in the oil mess. The governor of Arizona set in a meeting with the president and told him exactly her new plans for laws and he told her he would send more National Guard to help in the border control, and then now is planning a lawsuit, of which the Governor had to find out through a talk with Hillary and the Guatemalian president. It never occurred to me that in my lifetime, I would live through a president suing a state of this country. Having said that, I am not at all amazed at this administrations "ideology", I cannot tell you how much I detest that word. I have removed it from my vocabulary.