Friday, July 2, 2010

The Greatest Stimulus is Unemployment???

So, in her infinite wisdom, Nancy Pelosi stated that unemployment benefits were the biggest economic stimulus for this country, better than any other program. What world is she living in? People continuing to be unemployed is stimulus? All that does is stimulate more debt providing these bennies. People need to be working and there have been studies done that indicate people are turning down jobs to stay on unemployment. I am not saying we shouldn't help people, but this just perpetuates dependence on government and not on the American spirit of hard word and self reliance. Our nation could crumble under this debt. All you have to do is look at Greece and some of our states like California and Michigan. Government is not the answer to our problems, we the people are. What would stimulate this economy is lower taxes, so businesses can feel confident to hire more people. Business don't need to be burdened with over regulations which stifles productivity. While private sector jobs are being outsourced, government is ballooning. A perpetual welfare state is, to use an oft overused word, unsustainable. We need to help the truly hurting but not create dependence on government for our livelihood.


Anonymous said...

Nancy cannot give an intelligent response to anything because her brain was accidentally pulled out on her last face stretching. She and so many in Washington as so disconnected from what the American workers are facing each and every day. Their paychecks continue regardless of the job performance, top of the line health care and all expense paid lifestyle. I am so glad I didn't see her give this response, our television would have been in the yard I think.

Mary Sammons said...

Well they live in their ivory tower and don't get it at all. These folks are supposed to be public servants. They work for us not the other way around.

Mar said...
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