Monday, November 1, 2010

Looking for Ronald Reagan

As this "silly season" comes to an end and we cast our votes tomorrow, I have been struck by the mood of the country. I titled this piece as I did because throughout this midterm election Ronald Reagan has been referenced more than once. Is that who we are looking for? This generation's Reagan. He was President during my grade school years through my sophomore year in high school, so my firsthand knowledge of his administration is almost non existent. I do know, from the many video clips and documentaries I have seen that Ronald Reagan loved his country. His campaign ad "It's Morning in America" and "The Shining City on the Hill" weren't just slogans. He meant it. He saw America as a beacon to the world. He cherished individual freedom. I know many of the candidates seem to embody those sentiments but can any of them save us from our "Jimmy Carter"? I don't know. The mainstream media deride people like Marco Rubio, Sharron Angle and Sarah Palin, much as they did Reagan. They made fun of him for being an actor, someone to not be taken seriously. They mocked his intelligence. How many in the media have called Sarah Palin dumb? I want to believe that if the Republicans win tomorrow as it looks like they will, that out of this crop of "outsiders" will rise someone with Reagan's vision of this great country. After seeing our current president apologize to other countries for us, belittle the american people by insinuating that the only reason we would vote for republicans is because we are scared and not thinking clearly and not because his policies have failed and failed miserably. I would like to see someone in charge who inspires us again, and has the political will to do what it takes to solve our problems while still believing in our greatness. Is it Palin? Maybe. Could it be Paul Ryan and his roadmap for America? which no one else in the House will embrace but is the only substantive outline of ideas put forward. Could it be Michelle Bachman who seems to have the strength to stand up to the establishment of either party? Marco Rubio is quite impressive, but will he change Washington or will Washington change him? Maybe it will be New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. He has shown he is not afraid of a fight. I love my country and it pains me to see the road we are travelling now. If there is a Reagan out there, we need to hear you.

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